Fleet Insurance Platform

Cut fleet insurance costs and streamline operations with AI

In today’s competitive environment, efficient risk and insurance management is essential. Connected Insurance equips you with the tools and intelligence to minimize costs and maximize fleet safety.

Connected Insurance offers  comprehensive set of features to provide full visibility into operations, along with smart insights, insurance policy consolidation, data-driven insights, and operational advice.

Breakdown of the key features

AI-powered Fleet Insurance Platform

  • Streamlines risk and insurance management by consolidating data from existing fleet management systems, telematics, and insurance providers into one cohesive solution
  • Offers a real-time, comprehensive view of your fleet’s risk status and insurance utilization detailed by locations, drivers, and vehicles metrics

Smart Insights and Analytics

  • Machine-learning driven Risk Assessment that goes beyond standard driver behavior analytics by considering real-time context like traffic conditions, geographic location, and weather
  • Offers predictive analytics to anticipate risk costs, identify potential risks, and optimize operations
  • Provides actionable insights to improve fleet efficiency, reduce costs, and mitigate risks
  • Provide alerts and notifications for potential risk factors and safety violations

Centralized Policy Management

  • Enable fleet managers to consolidate insurance policies for multiple regions/operations into a single, unified platform
  • Streamline the insurance renewal process by providing reminders and comparisons of policy options
  • Offer insights into insurance coverage gaps and recommend adjustments to ensure adequate protection

Real-Time Claims analytics

  • Access an integrated view of claims data for in-depth analysis
  • Evaluate factors influencing claim frequency, causation, and severity
  • Utilize predictive insights to anticipate future claims and enhance proactive risk management strategies

Operational Advice and Recommendations

  • Offer personalized recommendations and best practices to optimize fleet operations
  • Provide guidance on improving fuel efficiency, reducing maintenance costs, and enhancing driver safety
  • Deliver alerts and advisories to address immediate concerns and prevent potential risks

Cost-Effective Insurance Options

  • Direct insurer communication facilitates smarter policies, directly reducing premiums through improved safety and risk mitigation

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